SPF Shirts for Men and Women

Men’s SPF Shirt

Men’s SPF Shirt

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Here in Fairhope, it’s no secret that we love our days in the sun. Coastal Alabama’s warm weather, paired with our beautiful beaches and water, means we spend our days in the sun year-round. Whether on the beach, on the boat, or by the pool, it’s essential to keep your skin protected from harmful UV sun rays. That’s why The Fairhope store is proud to offer stylish and protective SPF shirts for men and women. 

If you're planning long days under the sun and want to protect your skin, The Fairhope Store's SPF shirts are your ideal choice. With a wide range of color and design options featuring symbols and images of Fairhope landmarks and a unisex fit, there's something to suit everyone's style. These shirts also come with anti-snag fabric, making them perfect for activities like a relaxing day on the boat or even running errands around town. Your skin will thank you for the extra protection these shirts provide! Shop our selection of SPF shirts to make sure you’re prepared for your next day in the sun.